Louis Krenn MD
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Dr. Louis Krenn MD

Louis Krenn MD

Dr. Louis Krenn is a board certified family physician currently practicing in Springfield, MO. He started his private practice career at CoxHealth Center Willard in 2004 after completing his family medicine residency at the CoxHealth Family Medicine residency program in Springfield, MO. Dr. Krenn transitioned his practice to CoxHealth Center Chesterfield in the spring of 2018. Dr. Krenn obtained his medical degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2001. Prior to that, Dr. Krenn studied at the University of Central Arkansas where he obtained a Bachelor's of Science degree in 1997.

Dr. Krenn assumed the role of Chief Medical Information Officer for CoxHealth in August 2009. In his role, Dr. Krenn assisted with the design, deployment, and optimization of all clinical systems across CoxHealth's hospitals and clinics. Dr. Krenn also served as a strategic advisor to hospital administration and liaison between clinical staff and IT. Additional responsibilities included medical director for CoxHealth's telemedicine initiatives and Advanced Telehealth Solutions, executive oversite of the CoxHealth Informatics department, and providing clinical direction on various aspects of clinical information technology for CoxHealth. In the summer of 2019, Dr. Krenn returned to full time medical practice while taking on another role as the medical director for CoxHealth’s ambulatory optimization project.

Dr. Krenn is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Missouri State Medical Association, and Greene County Medical Society.

Dr. Krenn is married with two children. Besides spending time with his family, He enjoys all things technology, photography, the outdoors, football, auto racing and giving back to the community.