Louis Krenn MD
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Patient Medical Rescoures

General Resources

Family Doctor (www.familydoctor.org) is a consumer website of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Cleveland Clinic (my.clevelandclinic.org/health)

WebMD (www.webmd.com) is a comprehensive medical reference site with disease specificinformation.

Healthfinder (www.healthfinder.gov) is sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov) is an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Mayo Clinic (www.mayoclinic.com) Mayo Clinic's commitment to providehealth ducation to patients and the public.

Women's Health (www.womenshealth.gov) is a collaboration of the Office of Woman's Health and WebMD 

American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org) contains information about cancer prevention, diagnosis, detection, and treatment.

American Diabetes Association (www.diabetes.org) contains basic diabetes information.

American Heart Association (www.heart.org) provides a broad spectrum of information about heart disease and stroke

National Institutes of Health (health.nih.gov) turning discovery into health

National Library of Medicine (www.nlm.nih.gov)

Harvard Health (www.health.harvard.edu) trusted advice for a healtheir life

Johns Hopkins Health (www.hopkinsmedicine.org) Explore John's Hopkins Medicine

Clinical Trials (clinicaltrials.gov) a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical trials

Stanford Health Care (www.standfordhealcare.org)

Mental Health Resources

Visit my dedicated page for mental health resrouces

State Resources

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (www.dhss.mo.gov)

Missouri Department of Social Services (www.dss.mo.gov)

State of Missouri Medicaid web portal (www.emomed.com) provides medicaid related support and services for the state of Missouri

Senior Age Area Agency on Aging (www.senioragemo.org)

University of Missouri Health Care (www.muhealth.org)

BJC HealthCare (www.bjc.org)

St. Louis Children's Hospital (www.stlouischildrens.org)

GYN Cancers Alliance (www.gynca.org) offering support, resources, and new hope

Make-A-Wish of Missouri & Kansas (www.mokan.wish.org)

Lutheran Family and Children's Services of Missouri (www.lfcsmo.org) aids families, children, and individuals by providing adoption, counseling, education, and resources to assist with physical and emotional needs.

Missouri Area Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups (www.missouri-al-anon.org)

Missouri Families (www.missourifamilies.org) solutions for better living

Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence

ParentLink WarmLine (1-800-552-8522 or text 585-FAMILY1) - ParentLInk’s WarmLine is your direct access to family strengthening information and support. Download Services Booklet for hightlights of all programs.

Local Resources

Springfield Greene County Health Department (www.springfieldmo.gov/2853/health) Springfield-Greene County Health Department

CoxHealth (www.coxhealth.com) the region's only locally owned, not-for-profit health system

CoxHealth at Home (www.coxhealthathome.com) the leading home health care provider in southwest Missouri

The Kitchen Clinic (www.thekitcheninc.org) serving the Springfield community with dignity and compassion

Jordan Valley Community Health Center (www.jordanvalley.org) delivers quality health and dental services to residents in the Greene county area. 

Pregnancy Care Center (www.417pcc.org) empowers women by providing reliable information about every option available for your pregnancy

The Child Advocacy Center, Inc (www.childadvocacycenter.org) is a place where a comprehensivecoordinated approach is taken in response to allegations of child abuse.

Family Violence Center (www.myharmonyhouse.org) is a women and children's regional domestic violence center.

The Victim Center (www.thevictimcenter.org) helping survivors of violent and sexual crimes

Developmental Center of the Ozarks (www.dcoonline.com) serves children and adults daily with developmental disabilities from southwest Missouri.

Lutheran Family Children Service (www.lfcsmo.org/locations/southwest-office) - LFCS provides counseling, adoption, crisis pregnancy assistance, foster care, child care, youth mentoring services, and disaster relief

Springfield Marriage and Family Institute (www.springfieldmfi.com) - providing professional, Christian counseling for marriages and families.

isabel's house (www.isabelshouse.org) - where kids are loved and families are supported

empower:abilities (www.empowerabilities.org) provides services, advocacy, and resources for people with any disability in southwest Missouri

Council of Churches of the Ozarks (www.ccozarks.org) 

Community Partnership (www.cpozarks.org) working together to build strong communities.

Ozarks Counseling Center (www.ozarkscounselingcenter.org) providing quality mental health assistance to men, women, and children of Greene county

Hospice Foundation of the Ozarks (www.hospiceozarks.org) promotes and supports end of life care and services for the MissouriOzarks region

Aids Project of the Ozark (www.apo-ozarks.org) provides medical, financial, and educational services to clients located in southwest Missouri.

The Arc of the Ozarks (www.thearcoftheozarks.org) offers a broad range of community support services to persons with developmental disabilities.

Christian Counseling Services (www.ccstoday.com)

Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks (www.bcfo.org) provides local resources for breast cancer patients.

Safe Kids Springfield (www.safekidsspringfield.org)

Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (www.cbco.org) provides blood and blood products to patients in southwest Missouri.

Lakeland Behavioral Health (www.lakelandbehavioralhealth.com) psychiatric hospital and treatment center for children, adolescents, and seniors

Parkinson's Group of the Ozarks (www.parkinsonsgroup.org)

Alzheimer's Association of Great Missouri - (www.alz.org/greatermissouri)