Smart Phone Apps
WebMD - general medical referecne iOS Android
Lose It! - calorie and exercise tracker iOS Android
Tap and Track - calorie and exercise tracker iOS
My Fitness Pal - calorie and exercise tracker iOS Android
GoodRx - medication savings iOS Android
Pill Identifier - identify medication easily iOS
AsthmaMD - asthma management app iOS Android
CoxHealth Now - healthcare on your schedule iOS Android
AllergyCast - allergy forcast for your area iOS Android
Pill Reminder - remember your medications iOS Android
Glucose Buddy - diabetes management iOS Android
One Drop - diabetes management iOS Android
Baby Begginings - pregnancy information iOS Android
Aysa - answers to skin questions iOS
Skin safe - search skin products iOS Android
MoodTrek - mental health iOS Android
Headspace - mental health iOS Android
Mind Yeti - mental health iOS
SuperBetter - mental health iOS Android
Happify - mental health iOS Android
Insight Timer - mental health iOS Android
Food Intolerances - diet reference iOS Android
All I Can Eat - diet reference iOS
Kid Care - pediatric reference from SLCH iOS Android